Sunday, February 26, 2012

God of War III - Walkthrough - Gaia

God of War III - Walkthrough - Chaper 1: Gaia

God of War III - Walkthrough - Chapter 2: Hades

God of War III - Walkthrough - Chapter 3: Olympia

God of War III - Walkthrough - Chapter 4: The Flame

God of War III - Walkthrough - Chapter 5: Poseidon's Chamber

God of War III - Walkthrough - Chapter 6: Tartarus

God of War III - Walkthrough - Chapter 7: Mazes and Caves

God of War III - Walkthrough - Chapter 8: The Labyrinth

God of War III - Walkthrough - Chapter 9: The End

God of War III - WalkThrough - Chapter 1: Gaia

During the start of the game you can find Kratos amidst a swath of enemies on the arm of the enormous Titan, Gaia. If you are unfamiliar with Kratos' attacks, use this opportunity to acquaint yourself with the basics: HEAVY ATTACK and LIGHT ATTACK can be alternated for various combos (check your Moves tab in the pause menu for more on this). Plume of Prometheus is an all-time favorite (SQUARE, SQUARE, TRIANGLE), while you can launch enemies in the air with Olympic Ascension by holding TRIANGLE.
God of War III - WalkThroughGod of War III - WalkThrough
Destroy the enemies, who don't present much of a threat, and continue up the arm. Remove the tree branch obstruction and take out a handful of additional enemy soldiers. Just ahead you'll encounter a large crab-horse-thing that is actually a form the god Poseidon takes.
God of War III - WalkThroughGod of War III - WalkThrough

God of War III- WalkThrough - Boss: Leviathan I

The Leviathan emits a spout of water that can push Kratos back to the edge of the area and deal a bit of damage as well. To avoid it, simply tap the RIGHT STICK to evade. Meanwhile, try to approach the creature and deal damage to the "chest" area under the horse's head.
God of War III - WalkThroughGod of War III - WalkThrough
You can attack any part of the creature in this battle that you can reach, but for now you'll just have to run up and use your standard attacks on its main body. After dealing some damage, the arena will flip upside-down.
God of War III - WalkThroughGod of War III - WalkThrough
You must now dodge crab-claw attacks using the JUMP button to dash out of the way. Hit one of the claws or go for the horse head once again between attacks to deal damage.
god of war 3 guideGod of War III - WalkThrough
Soon the battle will flip again, but you'll still be hanging off the edge of the cliff. Attack a nearby claw and dodge the creature's attacks until the battle shifts to solid ground again.
God of War III - WalkThroughGod of War III - WalkThrough
This final segment is much like the first, requiring you to dodge the water attack and get hits in on the central area of the boss. When you get the prompt to finish the fight (a spinning icon with a CIRCLE on it), hit CIRCLE.
God of War III - WalkThroughGod of War III - WalkThrough
What follows is known as a "quick time event" or "context sensitive button presses." Here you must push the buttons shown on screen immediately, or you'll take damage and be force to start the event again. Remember to wait until you see the prompts before you hit the button! Completing the finisher correctly will end the battle.

God of War III - WalkThrough - Mount Olympus

Climb up the vines -- you can press JUMP and a direction to moves faster -- to the right and then cross the gap using JUMP. Jump up to the upper ledge and then open the chest ahead for some Experience Orbs.
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When you come to an impasse, press against the wall to the right and shimmy around the thin ledge. You'll come across a gaggle of archers and soldiers here. Take out each with quickly with light attacks and climb up and over the wall.
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Destroy a few enemies and be sure not to miss the chest with health in the next area. Above this area is a grapple point. Before using it, you can look around using the nearby R1 prompt.
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Now, use R1 to grapple to the left and then jump and glide down to the enemies on the far side using the Wings of Icarus (press JUMP, then press and hold JUMP in the air). Destroy them and climb the nearby wall.
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Hold to the left and jump across the gap to reach a new area where you can see Gaia and Poseidon duking it out. Hop across the gap using the Wings of Icarus to glide safely to the far side. Grab health and magic form the chests and approach the door down the path.
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Enter the door and prepare for an ambush. The Centaur that appears on the other side will immediately attempt to impale you. Use the LEFT ANALOG stick to avoid his thrust. In general you can use the Golden Fleece to block all enemy attacks by pressing L1. This comes in hand in the crowded room.
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Try to get the Centaur against the wall and persistently attack it. When the finisher prompt appears, follow the button sequence to finish off the man-beast. Taking out the rest of the enemies in the room shouldn't be a problem.
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Approach the book on the pedestal in the room to get a good view of your former foe frozen in the ice below. Pull the lever on the left and then climb the ladder on the right.
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Jump onto the moving platform and cross to the far side. You can stock up on health and magic using the chests here and save your game.
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Open the door and follow the prompt to rapidly tap CIRCLE and you'll hitch a ride on the Leviathan up to a new battle area.

God of War III - WalkThrough - Boss: Leviathan II

This time the Leviathan will alternately claw both sides of the screen as it pulls itself towards Kratos. Dash to alternate side accordingly, then use heavy attacks on its claws to make it retreat.
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Attack it while it rears back. You'll need to repeat this pattern a few times before you receive a finisher prompt. But the battle isn't over yet! The Leviathan now will pound its claws on the ground, protecting itself and dealing damage all at once.
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Use your magic attacks to quickly sap its health and keep getting in attack while attempting to evade.
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Once you get another finisher prompt, approach the beast and hit R1 and L1 as instructed. Doing so will allow you to rip the beast's chest open, exposing a weak point. Run back and to the left and use the R1 prompt on the piece of lumber to pick it up and toss it into the Leviathan's innards.
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Climb up Gaia and drop down into the Titan. Press against the far wall and you'll be able to inch to the left.
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Climb up the vines to the ceiling and then drop down to the left to continue. Jump across the gap and glide over to the Heart of Gaia.
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God of War III - Heart of Gaia

A chunk of the wall can be removed on the right. Don't touch it just yet. Climb the vines up and to the right and grab Zeus' Eagle (Godly Possession 1/10). You can also examine this area for giggles.
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Drop down and remove the large column of stone again and flip it 180 degrees so the vines are showing on right face. Push it all the way to the left into another crevasse on the left wall.
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Climb the vines up to the grapple point and then jump and hit grapple to swing across the gap. In the next area, try practicing your grab attacks. You can grab and enemy with CIRCLE and use it as a human shield while you dash around inflicting damage on other enemies if you press SQUARE.
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Alternately, press TRIANGLE for a brutal attack to collect Experience Orbs -- you'll also get the Rip One! Trophy. At the end of the path, use the prompts to grapple straight up to the top of Gaia's giant skull where you'll finally meet Poseidon face to face.
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God of War III - Boss: Poseidon

This fight takes place in three distinct parts. In the first part, Poseidon's claws grip either side of the battle area. These should be the target of your attacks. Whip at them repeatedly, stopping only to dodge the electric attacks.
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When you see the crackle of electricity on the ground, jump or evade away from it to avoid the imminent lightning burst. You can also watch closely for Poseidon to rear up and attack in other ways -- all of them can be evaded.
God of War III - WalkThroughGod of War III - WalkThrough
When you attack a claw enough it will release from Gaia's head. Once both claws are released you will be told to move to Gaia's arm. Run to the top of the screen and grapple to the left by pressing R1.
God of War III - WalkThroughGod of War III - WalkThrough
In this next segment you must be aggressive. Run up to Poseidon's torso and attack it quickly. When he rears up, roll away to the very back of the level to avoid his trident attack.
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A variation on the Trident attack is somewhat harder to avoid -- when he thrusts his weapon into the ground three times, roll back to avoid the first jab and then forward to avoid the subsequent ones. Attack him while he's stabbing.
God of War III - WalkThroughGod of War III - WalkThrough
He'll also occasionally punch the ground. This isn't difficult to avoid with a quick evade, but it is tough to anticipate the attack.
god of war walk through
When the finisher prompt appears, run to the rear of the area and ascend the wall of vines. At the top, activate the Quick Time Event with CIRCLE.
God of War III - WalkThroughgod of war walk through
The fight isn't quite over yet. For the final segment you'll need to move quickly to get the claws to release. Use light attacks and magic to do damage to both sides and his nearly unavoidable electric attacks won't have time to destroy you. If you dawdle, you will be destroyed quickly.
God of War III - WalkThroughGod of War III - WalkThrough
Eliminate the God of the Sea permanently after the short cutscene by following the button prompts -- the final prompt instructs you to click both ANALOG STICKS (R3 + L3) at the same time by pressing them into the controller.
God of War III - WalkThroughGod of War III - WalkThrough
Jump onto Gaia's finger and a long cutscene will occur.
God of War III - WalkThroughGod of War III - WalkThrough
Hope this God of War III - WalkThrough post helped you bring your best as a gamer! Keep aiming! Meanwhile, if you need the other parts of this walkthrough, you can find it here...


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